Monday, March 28, 2016

Believe in Tomorrow

To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.
~Audrey Hepburn

I have been thinking a lot about optimism and hope lately.  It is interesting for people to say they are not optimistic- we automatically think they must be a pessimist.  But really, you can be an observer of life, a realist, and or someone who doesn't want to spend too much of their lives mooning over the future, wanting to remain in the present moment.  I still have a lot to reflect on this topic, since it is all still a bit muddy to me, but it is very intriguing...

I like this quote because it is full of hope, while also full of taking action right now.  Your now is to plant or tend a garden and the hope is the fact that you want to do this, even though so much could go wrong, or could not work out.  In this case, here is our new raspberry vine, one which has been a long time coming, since my husband loves berries, and I grew up eating them off the vine in my grandmother's yard, and my Mum's.  Will our tiny balcony garden foster such an ambitious hope?  Who knows.  Previously, I often suggested we didn't get this plant since it might not work in a pot and we are usually gone during the summer when it's most likely the berries will be ripe... But, my husband's hope and willingness to risk was contagious and I can't wait to see how it turns out!

This piece:  Photo taken on the very tiny balcony garden on a moody day.  That is apropos, maybe, since even though the day is grey, the future is bright and shiny like a plump raspberry.  I am practicing various forms of hand lettering and here is another simple and fun example.  This week is spring break so I will be gardening, doing yoga and practicing various art forms all week- can't wait!

Wish you a beautiful week, even if it is grey and all the hope is in your heart, rather than blazing across the sky.

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